Tri-Wall meets fashion. New furniture lineup new "airy"life

Tea Ceremony Room

Assembled display shelf

Large trash can



Sketch 01

Sketch 02
From Creator We plan and design cardboard-style products, create CAD data for cutting, and own a large amount of CAD data for processing. Please inquire about the operation and lending of CAD data. We welcome use in social contribution and humanitarian aid activities.
About Danbaul×Style
これら強化段ボールによる仮設家具は、地球上に起こり得る災害や不幸な紛争等の事情により犠牲となられた人達へ緊急時の生活支援用仮設家具として考え出されました。 生活支援に必要な「場」の供給を意図しています。 被害に遭遇された人々が集まり励ましあう「コミュニティの場」そこに必要な椅子やベンチ、テーブル類冷たい床に曝されず身体を横にできる「安眠の場」その確保のためのベット等。組立の簡易さを極めるため、完成図をみるだけで誰でもが簡単に「場」の構築ができるよう極限迄シンプルな構造を追究したものです。開発の原点はロゴマークの中に見える「人」の文字。その「人」から形成される「紙」による2つのトライアングルで形成されます。「人」から生まれた「紙」による「場」を形成するこれらの家具は日本文化の中に昔からあった「紙」に囲まれた、人に優しい生活環境に基づきます。「紙」による人に優しい生活環境は、人類を支える大きな要因なのかも知れません。 場所を取らず軽く丈夫で何処でも簡単に「場の形成」が可能なこれらの紙製品。ここには「サスティナブルな社会と豊かな地球環境」が未来へ繋がるようにとの願いが込められています。
These temporary furniture made of reinforced corrugated cardboard were conceived as emergency life support furniture for the victims of disasters and unfortunate conflicts that could occur on the earth. It is intended to provide the "place" necessary for life support. In order to secure a "community place" where people who have been victimized can gather and encourage each other, chairs, benches, and tables are necessary, and a "sleeping place" where you can lie down without being exposed to the cold floor. bed etc. In order to maximize the simplicity of assembly, we pursued a simple structure to the limit so that anyone can easily build a "place" just by looking at the completed drawing. The origin of the development is the word "person" that can be seen in the logo mark. It is formed by two triangles of "paper" formed from that "person". These pieces of furniture, which form a "place" with "paper" born from "people", are based on a human-friendly living environment surrounded by "paper" that has long existed in Japanese culture. The human-friendly living environment made possible by "paper" may be a major factor supporting humankind. These paper products do not take up much space, are light and durable, and can be easily "formed" anywhere. Here is the wish that "a sustainable society and a rich global environment" will lead to the future.
News & Information
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- Nchair組立式スツールです。It is an assembled stool
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Caution : Danbaul×Style は紙製品です。

Danbaul ×Styleは全て紙製品です。紙製品は硬い物で叩いたり強い力で押さえつけると凹んだり傷がついたりします。また家具などの形をしていてもその耐久性について長期の耐用年数を保証できるものではありません。軽くて人に優しく地球環境に優しい紙製雑貨類としての認識をお願い致します。此のことをご理解の上ご採用検討をお願い致します。
Danbaul ×Style is all paper products. Paper products can be dented or scratched if they are hit with a hard object or pressed down with a strong force. Also, even if it is in the form of furniture, we cannot guarantee its durability over a long period of time. We would like you to recognize our products as paper miscellaneous goods that are light, human-friendly, and environmentally friendly. Please understand this before considering employment.