











文、「紙日庵」考案者 三原宏樹

About the tea room “Shijitsuan”

100 years before Sen no Rikyu systematized the tea ceremony, Juko Murata, a tea master from the Muromachi period, described the tea ceremony as a chazen group.'' It expresses the spirit of tea:The tea ceremony leads to Zen!''
Afterwards, the spirit of the Chazen Ichimi '' was passed on to Takeno Joo, leading to the spatial thinking calledWabi.''

Juko sought a way to express a large universe separated from the mundane world in a small space of two or three tatami mats at most. This spirit was then passed down from Takeno Joo to Sen no Rikyu, and spread into the world of Wabi Suki. I believe that this spirit is still deeply rooted in the lifestyle habits and value formation of Japanese people, and that it forms the unique culture of Japan.

At the time, many feudal lords and aristocrats favored imported gold ornaments, but they were simply constructed from materials found in the natural world, yet used craftsmanship to set them apart from the mundane world (human desires). Juko derives its value from the philosophy of Zen.

This is where the uniquely Japanese culture of purifying your spirit and enjoying a tea ceremony in a clean, beautiful and well-proportioned minimalist space was born.

``Shijitsuan'' was constructed using paper panels, and features such as the central pillar and side walls that were originally installed in the tea room have been eliminated. In addition, openings such as renshi windows, base windows, erect openings, and tea ceremony entrances are concentrated in the gaps between the structures made of paper panels, and are instead placed in each of the four directions of the room as openings that allow objects and people to enter and exit. I did.
In addition, by hanging blinds over the openings, the connection between the interior and exterior spaces is visually obscured. The ceiling is open in the center with a grid pattern. This was done in order to accommodate the disaster prevention equipment of the building where it will be installed, and to ensure that light can enter from the entire building. The air environment inside Shijitsuan is kept open through openings on all sides of the room and ceiling lattices, eliminating the need for new firefighting equipment, air conditioning and ventilation equipment, etc.

The first tea room in the first tatami room is called Kyouan, which was built in Kyoto in the early Edo period by Sen no Rikyu's grandson, Sotan Sen. Because the two-jo floor plans are limited in size, they tend to look similar, but in Shijitsuan,'' the tatami are borderless, and four half-sized tatami mats from Kyushu's strawberry farmers are used. In addition, inKyoan,'' we have added depth to the wall and floor areas and created a small floor space. Just like the floor space, we have also created a small space in front of the tea ceremony seat where you can place a stand, etc.

This tea room inherits the spirit of Juko Murata's Chazen Gang'' and provides the spirit ofWabi Suki'' to modern society aiming for a sustainable society.

Please come and experience this microcosm space. I'm sure it will give you some insight.

Written by Hiroki Mihara, creator of “Shijitsuan”

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